Start off with some fun! This was the first flour sack I did. This wasn't the very final one (as you can see the background kinda disappears in the last couple frames) but its good enough to give you the idea!
And the second flour sack which was a lot of fun to do!
Ok now a break from animation to show you some of the first things I painted with my new tablet. I don't know how I lived with out that thing now.

I took a Figure Drawing workshop with Vilppu over the break which was a lot of fun. Here are some 10-20 minute drawings I did. He was really focusing on muscle and bone anatomy, so I didn't really spend any time on the faces. I still need to work on proportions too...

Here's a project from my Communication Design class that I liked doing, the assignment was kinda weird... something with using symbols and metaphors (get it? seeds of destruction!)

And the mighty Dung Houy, named (but misspelled) after our 3D teacher last semester.

STOP!.... its gophertime.
Here's my character for traditional...

And here's a practice jump...
And another jump!
And finally a digital painting I did over the past week!

Very nice animations, Mr. Pinkerton. It's also really cool to see how much your figure drawings have improved since last semester. Awesome job!
I love the visual story telling aspect. The motion and flow is very nice and I like the idea. :D
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